2013年4月3日 星期三

再興燒爉 @ 灣仔 - 叉飯的浪漫 / Joy Hing Roasted Meat@Wan Chai

再興燒爉 @ 灣仔 – 叉飯的浪漫

從港島區搬到九龍區居住同工作後,  就已經再沒有去再興燒爉食叉燒飯.  難得今日屋企無飯開, 決定去灣仔整碟飯浪漫吓!

晚飯時段, 人流不絕, 好在角落有一個位, 如果唔係就要企門口等位 (食碟叉燒飯都要等位, 依間嘢真巴閉).

ANYWAY, 一坐低立即ORDER 一碟半肥瘦叉燒飯一碟蘿白. 先講碟飯,  半肥瘦叉燒肥瘦比例剛剛好, 叉燒味有層次, 不會太甜, 而肉質軟滑鬆軟又不覺有筋,  再加入馳名的甜豉油,  D味道就
好似魚水之歡咁, 融合一齊, 舌頭大動,好味!

再講碟蘿白, 看似平平無奇, 但當放入口一咬就發覺D蘿白鲜甜無比果種甜不是死甜, 非筆墨能形容, 如果你去再興食飯, 叫碟蘿白試吓你就知.

雖然沒有青島, 但吃罷令男人感到浪漫的一餐, 暫時只有再興燒爉做得到!


Joy Hing Roasted Meat @ Wan Chai

Guys, you know what BBQ pork is and I don't want to waste time to explain this traditional but super delicious Cantonese style roasted meat.

So, to be honest, the BBQ pork that u have in your countries is not that good but once you have tried it in Joy Hing Roasted Meat, then you will know how to identify the best and worst BBQ pork. You can enjoy the taste of sweet honey with soft, tender texture BBQ pork piece by piece in there. If you are visiting Hong Kong and you have not tried this BBQ pork, it's a shame! 

Well, you don't have to trust me. You just need to go there, have a try and see I am bull shit or not!


Conclusion: Good to go for a try

Keywords: E間舖可以一試然後再試, 食, 再興燒爉灣仔, 叉燒, 蘿白半肥瘦, 甜豉油, 鲜甜, 青島, 男人的浪漫, Eat, Hong Kong, Wan Chai, Tsing Tao Beer, Joy Hing Roasted Meat, Chinese Style BBQ Prok, BBQ Port, sweet honey, soft, tender, shame

