2013年4月15日 星期一

VyTa Boulangeria Italiana @ 羅馬 - 羅馬的早餐 / First Meal in Rome

 VyTa Boulangeria Italiana @ 羅馬 - 羅馬的早餐

April 15, 2013

小弟同太太第一次去歐洲玩, 第一站是意大利的羅馬, 雖然一句意大利文都唔識, 但無阻去增廣見聞的決心 (是關小弟都唔細, 依家唔玩都唔知幾時有得玩!)

OK, 酒店Check-In完後, 立即跑去羅馬最繁忙的鐵路站-Roma Termini 揾野食先. 見到一間叫VyTa Boulangeria Italiana (link) 的輕食餐館 (主要serve sandwiches, panini, pizza 同 coffee), 見入面有唔少人, 唔想太多就衝入去試下. 


我點左個Otranto (Buffalo's mozzarella DOP, turkey, dried tomatoes and olive oil) , 太太點左個Milano (Turkey, rocket salad, mozzarella and olive oil). 兩個panini都好好味, 好新鮮, 充滿olive oil味. 但係個麵包就硬左D, 有少少食唔慣, 不過好重麥味, 好香, 意大利的麵包就是這樣, 入鄉隨族啦!


食完個panini後, 當然要叫杯咖啡“品味”一下, 所以我就order左杯Mocha, 諗住杯Mocha會好似香港"星巴X"果種, 點知原來係杯Espresso. 我當時先醒起意大利是沒有Mocha, Mocha是美國的. 所以當我order Mocha 時, 果意大利 counter 姐姐就意謂我想要杯用Moka Pot沖的Espresso. 不過錯有錯著, 杯Espresso真的很香濃 很滑, 飲完後有種甜味留在口裏, 你們看到杯Espresso的掛杯現象就知杯咖啡非比尋常!

My "Mocha", actually it's Espresso
Ok! 食完立即出發去鬥獸場!

April 15, 2013 - First Meal in Rome

This is my first time to visit Europe. My wife and me were feeling very so excited even we don't know how to speak Italian language. Anyway, the first stop is Rome, Italy....Ciao!

After we did the check-in in the hotel, we rushed back to Roma Termini (one of the busiest train & metro stations in Rome) for our first meal and we came across a cafe called VyTa Boulangeria Italiana (link) which serve sandwiches, panini, pizza and coffee. There were quite a lot of people inside and so we decided to have a try in there.

I ordered Otranto (Buffalo's mozzarella DOP, turkey, dried tomatoes and olive oil) and my wife ordered Milano (Turkey, rocket salad, mozzarella and olive oil). OMG! Both of the panini were so delicious, the vegetable was so fresh, the mozzarella was so yummy and all of them were full of the taste of olive oil! I think it's really hard to find something similar in Hong Kong....!?

After we finished the panini, I ordered a cup of Mocha which I thought it just like the one in "Starbuxks. Actually I was wrong when the waitress passed me the coffee and it was an Espresso. When I saw the Espresso, I rang the bell that Mocha is an American product which there is no such thing in Italy. Anyhow, I ordered wrong coffee, but I made a right choice accidentally. The Espresso was so rich and powerful, the taste of coffee was running inside my month again and again....Delizioso!!!

OK! That's our first meal in Rome and it made us a day! After we finished it, we rushed to our first sightseeing spot - Colosseo...!!!

