2013年6月18日 星期二

無双 @ 佐敦 - Ramen Battle Round Two / MUSO - Ramen Battle

無双 @ 佐敦 - Ramen Battle Round Two

上一次介紹了超男 Bario, 今次就介紹來自東京的無双.

第一次吃當然是試試他們的招牌款式, 就是什麼都有的無双特製拉麵

無双特製拉麵 - 賣相相當不錯. 湯底以雞和豚骨混合熬製而成, 做出來的湯底跟超男有點相似, 都是比較油膩, 但是無双的湯底質感沒有超男那樣濃厚, 喝起來頗為清甜, 整體感覺OK. 如果你加入無双的自製蒜蓉, 蒜味道就會加重了很多, 湯底的雞和豚骨味就會突出非常.


無双和超男一樣, 麵頂有一大堆芽菜, 可以清一清湯底的油膩感, 很不錯的組合.

無双特製拉麵 / Muso Signature Ramen
雖然麵條用上圓身曲麵, 口感韌韌QQ且彈力, 但吸湯的能力不是很好, 感覺一般.

温泉蛋細了一點. 但蛋黃流心度理想, 蛋白柔軟有醬油味, 入口香甜蛋味濃郁, 整體算是不錯. 放在碗旁邊的叉燒有點乾和比較瘦, 但吃起來肉味頗香, 肉質也很鬆化帶點甘味. 吃完三片不油膩, 做得頗好. 

另外還有日式餃子, 一客五隻, 口感一般, 跟你在超級市場可以買到的急凍餃子差不多, 所以整體感覺一般.

日式餃子 / Japanese Dumplings
拉麵的湯底和叉燒有水準, 整體質素平均, 但餃子遜色一點, 可惜! 

結論: E間舖可以一試,但未必再試.

延閱讀: 超男 @ 佐敦 - Ramen Battle Round One / Bario - Ramen Battle Round One (link)

Muso @ Jordan - Ramen Battle Round Two

Round two is to try the ramen in Muso in the Jordan Ramen Champion (link). Again, I ordered the signature one which called Muso Signature Ramen and it had 3 pieces of Japanese Style BBQ pork, half-boiled eggs, many bean sprouts with the noodle.

First of all, the soup base in Muso was a mix of chicken and pork and the taste was not as rich as the one in Bario. However, the soup bases in that two restaurants were kind of oily. So if you don't know this kind of soup base, please don't try Bario and Muso then. But if you like the oily soup base, please don't miss the Muso home-made garlic. You can put some of it to the soup base and taste how the garlic changes the taste. You may feel a "Wow" from it.

Secondly, the ramen was OK and "al dente". But it could not "absorb" the soup base which turned to be a weakness.

The Japanese style BBQ pork was soft and tender. I believed the chef used a lot of time to cook it. So I had to give it a "thumbs up". 

Finally, the Japanese style dumplings were just "so-so". The taste was like what you can find in supermarket. So I believe I won't order it next time. How about you? Will you try the dumplings?

Conclusion: It's OK, not too good but not that bad 

Extended reading: Bario - Ramen Battle Round One (link)


Keywords:  E間舖可以一試但未必再試, 食, 佐敦, 日本, 拉麵,  無双, 無双特製拉麵. 叉燒, 日式餃子, Eat, Hong Kong, Jordan, Not too good but not that bad,  Japan, Ramen, Muso, Muso Signature Ramen, Ramen Champion, Japanese Style BBO pork, Japanese Style Dumpling

